
Showing posts from August, 2012

Mr. Sandman

The restless nights were about to go in to the double digits. Each night she followed her evening routine of house chores, a bubble bath, and a glass of red wine, meditation, and finally bed. Nevertheless, a combination of boredom, loneliness, and desire created a case of insomnia that seemed insurmountable. She had no problem being alone, she loved herself and reveled in the comfort of knowing she did not have to be alone if did not want to. Despite her desire, the willingness to let someone new in was a headache she hoped to avoid at all costs. However, these nights were growing in frequency. She changed her routine, exercised later, and even pleasured herself in to submission, but nothing gave her the sleep she truly desired. Until one day, the Sandman paid her a visit. The first night she met him, she was home, fresh out of the bathtub. She smelled like Japanese cherry blossoms and her skin glistened from the moisturizer with the same name. She wore a pair of loose fitting sw