
#JustSaying Podcast This is the link to my podcast I run with my boy Hatin' Ass Jones. Tune in as we talk about everything under the sun. Straight barbershop talk for the masses. Listen, laugh, and hopefully learn something in the process. Fellas listen with your ladies or send them the link to let them know the things you wish you could say. Ladies tune in and get a glimpse into the male psyche. Fun for all adults, as the content is explicit. We don't censor ourselves in the barbershop so it isn't happening on the podcast. I appreciate your support. Please like, comment, and share.

The Balance of Relationships: A Male Perspective

The Balance of Relationships: A Male Perspective             Growing up I have never seen a successful relationship. My mother got married, then divorced. My grandmother on my mother’s side divorced my grandfather, remarried, then ended up divorcing my “step” grandfather, is that a thing? My grandmother on my father’s side lived with a man all of my life. At no point in my life have I ever seen them be affectionate, or intimate, hell they were at the most cordial. They slept in separate rooms, she cooked and maintained the household, while he hung out, came home and ate. Even as a child I felt like their existence was miserable. If love conquers all, what was wrong with all of the relationships those in my immediate vicinity were involved in?             My family was one thing, but even further outside of my immediate circle things were worse. My friends’ parents were divorced, abused, neglected, dealing with infidelity, and abandoning their relationships like hurricane victims

The Current Era of Hip-Hop, a reality check for the OLD youth

These days everyone is talking about the state of our beloved music genre "Hip-Hop". Hip-Hop has had many a face lift over the years, but despite the fact the genre seems unrecognizable at times, the fact still remains, Hip-Hop is the voice, music, and soul of the youth. The reason for the constant change is...the youth gets old. Times change, styles change, people change, and in this current era of Hip-Hop that change (whether for the good or bad) is apparent. Me personally, I'm not mad at the change. Instead of hating on the mumble/melodic rappers, I embrace the ones I like and ignore those I don't. Just like when I was growing up and my mom would yell "cut that mess down! Why would they sit there and ruin The Temptations song like that!?" At the time I had no idea what she was talking about. "Who the f*ck were the Temptations?" "How could my favorite rappers of the time ruin their song when they made it up?" Back in the day I was

The Pull Up

"The Pull Up"   The light from her phone illuminates the room; the shining indigo blue chases away the darkness and casts new shadows on her bedroom walls. She received a text message, and at 2:37am it had better be something or someone important. The text was from her new friend. The guy she recently met and started to get to know. Their meeting was strange to her as it seemed the universe was doing its best to bring them together. The text read "Wyd?" Smh, how generic, but for some reason it made her smile. She sarcastically texts back "I'm sleeping". "Well I'm outside" he replied. "Outside where?" she quickly typed back. "Outside ur crib, come here, I want to see u” he responded Her instant thought is this nigga is tripping, who does he think he is? Popping up at my crib at this hour, I'm going to curse him out because he's crossed the line. But when she peeked out of her window th

What Dudes Caught In A Lie Say... (+playlist)

Mr. Sandman

The restless nights were about to go in to the double digits. Each night she followed her evening routine of house chores, a bubble bath, and a glass of red wine, meditation, and finally bed. Nevertheless, a combination of boredom, loneliness, and desire created a case of insomnia that seemed insurmountable. She had no problem being alone, she loved herself and reveled in the comfort of knowing she did not have to be alone if did not want to. Despite her desire, the willingness to let someone new in was a headache she hoped to avoid at all costs. However, these nights were growing in frequency. She changed her routine, exercised later, and even pleasured herself in to submission, but nothing gave her the sleep she truly desired. Until one day, the Sandman paid her a visit. The first night she met him, she was home, fresh out of the bathtub. She smelled like Japanese cherry blossoms and her skin glistened from the moisturizer with the same name. She wore a pair of loose fitting sw

Inja...(An account from a wild dream I had)

              Today was the day of the big surprise. The jump off I had been messing with had been promising me something special for weeks, and the day finally arrived. I had no idea what she had planned; I figured it was just a ploy to get me to spend time with her. Our relationship was a weird one. We wouldn’t see each other for weeks at a time, and then when we got together we would have sex. The relationship was like that because she’s married. It was an ideal situation for me. I could have sex with an attractive woman with no strings attached. We could only see each other from time to time so there was no room for her to get clingy and possessive like most women I deal with. Our relationship went on for 2 years like this. In that time frame nothing has changed on my end. I’ve had girlfriends and she’s been married the entire time, but on her end things were beginning to change. She wanted to see me more often, but not at the risk of her husband finding out. She swears she love