Inja...(An account from a wild dream I had)

            Today was the day of the big surprise. The jump off I had been messing with had been promising me something special for weeks, and the day finally arrived. I had no idea what she had planned; I figured it was just a ploy to get me to spend time with her. Our relationship was a weird one. We wouldn’t see each other for weeks at a time, and then when we got together we would have sex. The relationship was like that because she’s married. It was an ideal situation for me. I could have sex with an attractive woman with no strings attached. We could only see each other from time to time so there was no room for her to get clingy and possessive like most women I deal with. Our relationship went on for 2 years like this. In that time frame nothing has changed on my end. I’ve had girlfriends and she’s been married the entire time, but on her end things were beginning to change. She wanted to see me more often, but not at the risk of her husband finding out. She swears she loves me and wants to have my children. Of course this will never be. I never tell her how I feel about this as it may stop the sex, and the sex is definitely worth keeping.
            I get up and shower feeling a little wary about today. This would be the first time we have ever gotten together and did anything more than have sex. I’m not sure how the day will go, but I am eager to see what this surprise is. I get dressed as if I’m going on a date. I put on something fly enough so people respect the fact she’s with me, but not over the top, I don’t want to look like I’m going to the club. The drive to her house seemed faster than usual today. I pulled up in front of her house and text her to let her know I’m outside. This is how it always went; I could not call because her husband checks her phone bills, so during our off time we only communicated via text or IM. This way our conversations could not be traced, and she would not have to face the consequences. Women are so much better at cheating than men are. Even through text we didn’t talk much, they usually consisted of
“Hey baby, I want to see you today” or “I miss you, when are you coming to get me”.
If I had no other plans I would usually text back “I can come get you tonight”
She would reply “Ok, see you tonight”
This was our relationship for 2 years. But a few weeks ago her text said she had a surprise for me. Something I had been wanting for a long time. She wouldn’t tell me what it is as it would ruin the surprise. I wracked my brain for 2 weeks trying to figure out what it was but came up with nothing. But I would find out today, she walked out of her house and locked the door. As she walked to the car she had an enormous smile on her face. She was dressed way sexier than normal, she must be trying to impress and she was carrying her purse over her right shoulder and a folded up piece of paper in her left hand. She got in the car and spoke,
“Hey baby, how are you feeling?”
“I’m good” I replied
“Are you excited? Today is the day”
“Yeah I’m excited, I want to know what this surprise is” I said
“You will know soon enough, you just have to follow these directions”
She handed me the folded up piece of paper. The directions weren’t too complicated, but the trip would be about an hour and a half. Between the music from my IPod and her usual conversation ranting and complaining about her husband the trip went by fast. We arrived to an old warehouse. The warehouse was worn on the outside and had not been maintained for years. The red bricks were intact, but nature had taken the exterior of the building over. Vines, moss  and mildew covered a large portion of the building; but all the windows looked new as if they were cleaned daily. The parking lot was a victim of nature as well, grass grew from the cracks and the paint that showed you where to park was faded. There was a working security booth with a series of 6 tolls. I pulled up and was greeted by a voice over the intercom,
“Welcome are you lost?” the voice asked
“No we’re not lost, we’re here for the celebration” she replied to the intercom
“Ok, then pull up to the toll, it will cost you $20 to park” the voice stated
She turned to me and said “Give me $20 I don’t have any small bills”
“I don’t have $20, I didn’t bring any cash with me at all” she knows I never carry cash so it bothered me that she even asked.
“Damn all I have is a $10, everything else is big bills” she murmured to herself while digging through her purse.
“A $10 is fine; the parking cost is not a big deal. I’ll let you park for ten dollars” the voice on the intercom said.
“Thank you” she replied as she paid.
I pulled the car up through the toll and parked. There were about 40 cars in the lot each nicer than last. Lexus, Cadillacs, BMWs, Mercedes,  I don’t know what type of celebration this is, but the ballers are inside. I’m beginning to feel anxiety about the situation. I could not figure out what this “celebration” could be. My birthday was months ago, her birthday was months away. It was too early in the day for a party or rave, where had she made me drive us.
“You ready?” she asked
“Yeah I’m ready, what is this place?” I asked back
“You look nervous, don’t worry it will all be explained when we get inside” she replied
We got out of the car and began walking up the walkway. She was in front me leading the way. Her long legs were moving fast, her tiny frame switching left and right. Watching her move from the back reminded me why I had been in this relationship for the past 2 years, probably the same reason why her husband married her in the first place. Her heals “clacked” against the concrete. She’s only 5’0” so she takes 5-7 steps to my one. We get to the entrance and the doors open up for us
“Welcome, so glad you could make it” a large dark skin woman wearing a nightgown exclaimed.
“Thank you for having us” she replied
“Since this is your first time here follow me. Handsome young man, you follow her” the woman, gestured toward another large woman wearing a nightgown. This lady was brown skin but just as heavy set as the last. Their pink nightgowns were doing them no justice, and now I was completely confused as to what was happening here. I watched her as she was lead away from me. That little frame switching the same way it did outside. She turned to me and smiled. Blew me a kiss and mouthed “have fun”. How the hell am I supposed to have fun with this woman right here?
“This way baby, men and women are separated when you enter this place” she said while grabbing my hand and leading me through a series of doors. The interior of this warehouse did not match the outside at all. The furniture and décor was surprisingly nice. Actually it was very classy. Everything looked like it was from the Victorian era. The ground was not finished, some rooms had large area rugs, but throughout most of the building the grass was still growing up from under the concrete. The woman led me to a room full of guys. They were all dressed as if they were going to the club. I’m mad because now I feel under dressed. If it was a situation where I needed to impress I would have, now I’m stuck looking like a jerk amongst these guys. After scanning the room I realize everyone is not dressed to impress. A few of the guys looked like they just got out of bed. After seeing them I felt a lot better about what I had on.
“What’s good man? Wifey drag you here too?” One of the guys asked me
“Yeah she did, told me she had a big surprise for me” I replied.
“Oh so this is your first time here huh? Cool. Well I will not ruin her surprise”
“That messed up, I was hoping to get a clue” I exclaimed
“Nah man you’re good, stay in the dark it will be that much better, trust me. Hey fellaz! We have a ‘newbie’ so don’t fuck up the surprise for him!” the guy yelled to the rest of the guys.
They all replied agreeing not to tell.
“My name is LaShawn by the way, what’s your name man?” He asked while extending his hand.
“I’m Randy, but everyone calls me Harlem” I replied.
“Ok Harlem, well welcome. I remember my first time trust me you are going to love this” he said excitedly.
At that moment a set of double doors opened on the opposite side of the room.
“Gentlemen, lunch is ready and is being served in the dining room.
All of the guys got up and clamored for the door. “The dining room?” what type of warehouse is this. What has this woman gotten me in to? As I entered the dining room it was a lot brighter than any of the previous rooms. Those rooms were lit with dim amber lights which created a lot of darkness and shadows. The dining room was flooded with sunlight due to the large windows which spanned from the floor to the ceiling. There was a large table full of food; this “celebration” was obviously catered. Fruits and finger foods were set out across the table. I could tell the guys were used to this as they all just helped themselves. I wasn’t hungry so I only had a few pieces of fruit.
“Eat up baby, it is all on the house” the large brown skin woman said while pushing me toward the table.
“Thank you, but I’m fine with what I had. I don’t really have an appetite” I replied.
She just smiled and walked away. She moved around the room talking to the group of guys. For a larger woman she was very light on her feet, she seemed to glide across the grass ridden concrete with grace. I walked over to the large window and looked out. The courtyard below was not as lucky as the rest of the building. The bricks where broken and damaged, and most of the ground was covered in greenery. It was actually a pretty site, nature took its land back from man, who had erected buildings and covered the ground with concrete. My view was interrupted by a new voice.
“Gentlemen, welcome once again to the celebration. As always all your dreams and fantasies come alive here. My name is Mistress Kiara for those that don’t know. And for those who do…”
The woman turned her back to the crowd and made her butt cheeks clap together. She turned and winked and said “this way gentlemen”.
Mistress Kiara was beautiful. A dark skin woman wearing the same nightgown as the two heavy set women from earlier, but her’s fit a lot different. Mistress Kiara was statuesque, tall, and thick in all of the right places. I could tell from her arms and stomach she was in shape. From the waist down is where she focuses most of her time though. She was built like a stallion. Her waist was tiny and her hips were wide. Her thighs were thick but not muscular; she had a tattoo of paws on her thighs. Her ass was amazing. It was like looking at two perfectly round basketballs, there wasn’t any sign of cellulite on her body. Her pretty coco skin glistened in the sunlight as she led us out of the dining room and into a room she called the den.
I turned to LaShawn “now I’m having a good time” I said laughing
“You ain’t seen nothing yet my man” LaShawn laughed back
What the hell is this place? I thought to myself. We reached the den which was a smaller room lit by the amber lights. There were more of them so the den was brighter than the first couple of rooms I had seen.
“Where are my first timers?” Mistress Kiara exclaimed
“That’s you, step up dog” LaShawn said while urging to step forward
I pushed past the crowd and stepped to the front. There were 3 or 4 other guys who followed suit.
“It looks like we have a cutie in the bunch; I hope you’re prepared for what you’re in for” Mistress Kiara whispered in my ear.
“I hope so too” I whispered back.
She smiled “that’s the spirit, now the rest of you gentlemen follow me this way you know the drill”
She led the rest of the men down a hall in to another room. The way they were clamoring told me they were definitely excited.
“Good luck man, have fun it’s all what you make it” LaShawn said while extending his fist
I extended my fist and dapped him up, nodding my head in response. The other guys in the room with me were definitely lames; hopefully their looks would help me stand out from the crowd. This was weird of me to think because I had no idea why I wanted to stand out. Mistress Kiara returned and closed the double doors on both ends of the room.
“Now gentlemen could you please line up along this wall for me, we will get the presentation started” she said while gesturing towards the wall.
We all complied, lining up against the wall as if we were being executed by firing squad. Mistress Kiara walked over to a smaller single door on the opposite corner of the room. Women began pouring out of the door and flooding the room. They were all scantily clad, mostly wearing night clothes and lingerie. These were some beautiful women, all shapes and sizes, all races and colors. Long hair, short hair, no hair, any type of woman a man wanted was here. Now I was completely confused, why would she bring me here? How did she find out about a place like this?
“Gents you can take your pick of the women you see here. Your initial retainer fees have been taken care of by the women you came in with. We will start the bidding for the women at $500!” Mistress Kiara exclaimed
The bidding for the women? Retainer? Five hundred dollars? What the fuck was going on here? Apparently I was the only one confused because as the Mistress Kiara held her hands over the other women’s heads the guys in the room with me started spouting off dollar amounts. A bidding war for one girl set the winner back $6800, the bid opened up at $500. I can’t afford anything like that, that’s more than my rent right there. Why did she bring me here? All the men had bid and paired off with the women they wanted except for me and one other guy. He had already admitted to me he was broke and no money whatsoever for this situation. I laughed and reassured him I was in the same boat. The women that were left were attractive but it was obvious why they were the last picked. I didn’t see anyone I was attracted to, and I was scared of being stuck with someone I had no interest in. I decided I was going to bid on the next woman I was attracted to. Mistress Kiara walked over to me
“What’s the matter cutie, you don’t see anything you like?” she whispered to me
“Well I’ve been liking what I’ve been looking at ever since you walked out” I said, trying to be cool
She laughed “I’m not up on the auction block baby. Maybe another time in different circumstances, but not today. But I do have something special for the two of you that’s left” she explained.
“Where is Inja!?” she yelled at the other girls.
They all shrugged their shoulders and stated they did not know.
“Here I am Mistress! I’m here!” yelled a girl as she came rushing in to the room.
She was petite, probably about 5’2”. She had a small frame but was thicker than who I came with. She was light skin with jet black hair pulled up in to a bun. She had a beautiful face. High cheek bones and some sexy lips. She wore little make up and she had natural hair. There was no doubt about it; she was the baddest chick in this building. Mistress Kiara smiled at me
“I knew you would like that cutie, the bidding will start at $500” she said
Some of the guys who already had a girl tried to bid again, but they were shut down by Mistress Kiara. You could not go back on the decision you made. Had Inja been out here on time, she would have probably gone for thousands of dollars. But she came late, and it was just me and the admittedly broke dude. I had to have her; I’d never wanted to get to know a woman so badly in my life. Inja was standing there looking at her feet. She had made brief eye contact with the both of us, but she nodded and acknowledged me when our eyes met.
The room stopped in and looked at him in awe. Did he really just add fifty cents to the opening bid?
“We only deal in whole dollar amounts here baby” Mistress Kiara explained.
“$600!” I blurted out
Inja looked up at me with a huge smile on her face. Then she turned disappointedly and looked at the other guy.
“$600 going once, $600 going twice, SOLD to the cutie” Mistress Kiara exclaimed.
I couldn’t believe it I won the bidding war for the baddest woman in the building and I only bid $600. Inja ran over to me and excitedly jumped in my arms.
“If you had lost to that dude, I would have killed you” she joked
I laughed “it did not take much to win, but I was definitely willing to go the distance”
“Is that right?”said a voice from behind me.
Our embrace was cut short by the voice of the woman I came with.

(To Be Continued…)


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