Free Bird...

Free bird, why did you allow me to catch you?

Pretty bird, you sang for me but I just met you.

Free bird, you`ll perch here and sing if I don`t sweat you.

Dirty bird, you`ll fly off and shyt on me if I let you. 

Free bird, how`d you find your way here?

Pretty bird, decide to sing your song in my ear.

Free bird, you stayed too long and I`m beginning to care.

Dirty bird, time to migrate you`ll be gone by the end of the year.

Free bird, I know I caught on late/I`m gettin` attached to you, time to accept my fate/You can`t cage something so exotic and wild/The best thing is to try and keep it for a while/Enjoy my free bird, while I still have her/Appreciate her song, beauty, and every feather/When it`s time for the bird to fly, just let her/Shit is fucked up, I wish I never met her/Fly, fly away baby,and be free/Free bird,you were never meant to be with me...

By Randy Martin Penny


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