
Showing posts from January, 2017

The Current Era of Hip-Hop, a reality check for the OLD youth

These days everyone is talking about the state of our beloved music genre "Hip-Hop". Hip-Hop has had many a face lift over the years, but despite the fact the genre seems unrecognizable at times, the fact still remains, Hip-Hop is the voice, music, and soul of the youth. The reason for the constant change is...the youth gets old. Times change, styles change, people change, and in this current era of Hip-Hop that change (whether for the good or bad) is apparent. Me personally, I'm not mad at the change. Instead of hating on the mumble/melodic rappers, I embrace the ones I like and ignore those I don't. Just like when I was growing up and my mom would yell "cut that mess down! Why would they sit there and ruin The Temptations song like that!?" At the time I had no idea what she was talking about. "Who the f*ck were the Temptations?" "How could my favorite rappers of the time ruin their song when they made it up?" Back in the day I was

The Pull Up

"The Pull Up"   The light from her phone illuminates the room; the shining indigo blue chases away the darkness and casts new shadows on her bedroom walls. She received a text message, and at 2:37am it had better be something or someone important. The text was from her new friend. The guy she recently met and started to get to know. Their meeting was strange to her as it seemed the universe was doing its best to bring them together. The text read "Wyd?" Smh, how generic, but for some reason it made her smile. She sarcastically texts back "I'm sleeping". "Well I'm outside" he replied. "Outside where?" she quickly typed back. "Outside ur crib, come here, I want to see u” he responded Her instant thought is this nigga is tripping, who does he think he is? Popping up at my crib at this hour, I'm going to curse him out because he's crossed the line. But when she peeked out of her window th