
Showing posts from October, 2017

The Balance of Relationships: A Male Perspective

The Balance of Relationships: A Male Perspective             Growing up I have never seen a successful relationship. My mother got married, then divorced. My grandmother on my mother’s side divorced my grandfather, remarried, then ended up divorcing my “step” grandfather, is that a thing? My grandmother on my father’s side lived with a man all of my life. At no point in my life have I ever seen them be affectionate, or intimate, hell they were at the most cordial. They slept in separate rooms, she cooked and maintained the household, while he hung out, came home and ate. Even as a child I felt like their existence was miserable. If love conquers all, what was wrong with all of the relationships those in my immediate vicinity were involved in?             My family was one thing, but even further outside of my immediate circle things were worse. My friends’ parents were divorced, abused, neglected, dealing with infidelity, and abandoning their relationships like hurricane victims