
Showing posts from 2012

Mr. Sandman

The restless nights were about to go in to the double digits. Each night she followed her evening routine of house chores, a bubble bath, and a glass of red wine, meditation, and finally bed. Nevertheless, a combination of boredom, loneliness, and desire created a case of insomnia that seemed insurmountable. She had no problem being alone, she loved herself and reveled in the comfort of knowing she did not have to be alone if did not want to. Despite her desire, the willingness to let someone new in was a headache she hoped to avoid at all costs. However, these nights were growing in frequency. She changed her routine, exercised later, and even pleasured herself in to submission, but nothing gave her the sleep she truly desired. Until one day, the Sandman paid her a visit. The first night she met him, she was home, fresh out of the bathtub. She smelled like Japanese cherry blossoms and her skin glistened from the moisturizer with the same name. She wore a pair of loose fitting sw

Inja...(An account from a wild dream I had)

              Today was the day of the big surprise. The jump off I had been messing with had been promising me something special for weeks, and the day finally arrived. I had no idea what she had planned; I figured it was just a ploy to get me to spend time with her. Our relationship was a weird one. We wouldn’t see each other for weeks at a time, and then when we got together we would have sex. The relationship was like that because she’s married. It was an ideal situation for me. I could have sex with an attractive woman with no strings attached. We could only see each other from time to time so there was no room for her to get clingy and possessive like most women I deal with. Our relationship went on for 2 years like this. In that time frame nothing has changed on my end. I’ve had girlfriends and she’s been married the entire time, but on her end things were beginning to change. She wanted to see me more often, but not at the risk of her husband finding out. She swears she love

Take A Second To Think...

Take a second to think... ...sometimes you need to take a second to think// Sit back, close your eyes like you're taking a second to blink// Let the words wet your pallet, like you're taking a second to drink// Wait a a second you'll think... ...what if we never met that special night  both bored on the net//we decided to chat// decided to see what was next// started to talk on the phone I remember the first time I heard your voice// Back then you were one of many, so your identity was lost// But you kept calling and we kept on talking// I knew you were something special, so I stopped all the stalling// You decided to come visit, didn't think you would make the trip// Surprised when I walked out the door, saw you hopping out of your whip// Sexy as hell the way those jeans were fitting your hips// A true beauty from your hair, to the gloss on your lips// We chilled and had fun, but you were gone in a few hours 2 days later, you came back in a fe

Am I Missing Out?

To be in love, I wonder how it feels   To trust someone with all your heart, that has to be real   Love is a thing Shotime will never feel   I have no heart, and I don't want to have to deal...   With rejection, lies and misconceptions   Thinking your in love headed in the wrong direction   You learn a lesson, when you been through it once   Heart broken in half, it hurts and you try to front   I've never had my heart broken, no one gets that close   Am I missing out on something? On the real, I don't know   Maybe one day, I'll learn to let go   Open up my heart, and just let go... -Shotime aka Randy Martin Penny

Free Bird...

Free bird, why did you allow me to catch you? Pretty bird, you sang for me but I just met you. Free bird, you`ll perch here and sing if I don`t sweat you. Dirty bird, you`ll fly off and shyt on me if I let you.  Free bird, how`d you find your way here? Pretty bird, decide to sing your song in my ear. Free bird, you stayed too long and I`m beginning to care. Dirty bird, time to migrate you`ll be gone by the end of the year. Free bird, I know I caught on late/I`m gettin` attached to you, time to accept my fate/You can`t cage something so exotic and wild/The best thing is to try and keep it for a while/Enjoy my free bird, while I still have her/Appreciate her song, beauty, and every feather/When it`s time for the bird to fly, just let her/Shit is fucked up, I wish I never met her/Fly, fly away baby,and be free/Free bird,you were never meant to be with me... By Randy Martin Penny